Sponsor a dog

Every little helps

Sponsor a four legged friend

Sponsoring one of Dawn & Dusks residents is a great way to help an individual dog if you can not commit to having a full-time four legged friend in your life. Maybe you already have a house full but would like to help one more.  Your money will be spent on feeding, medical care and providing those little luxuries in life; a natural chew, a new toy or collar. 

There can be more than one sponsor per dog, so if you would like to share sponsorship, for instance with a group of friends or colleagues, that would be very welcome!

Flexible ways to sponsor

How you can sponsor

If would like to sponsor a dog please fill in our online sponsor form below; make sure to add the name of the dog (s) you wish to sponsor. If you are local we encourage you to come and visit your dog and meet us.

We will then contact you via email explaining the methods of payment (HelloAsso, Paypal or direct bank transfer).

Monthly donations start at 5€. You will get a sponsor certificate, a regular news update on the dog you wish to sponsor, photos and a few extra surprises.

If you wish to sponsor a dog as a present to a friend or family member or have any questions please contact us for details. anketerbruggen@dawnandduskfrance.com

Online Sponsor Form

Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

    Dog you wish to sponsor *
    How you wish to donate via HelloAsso /Paypal / Bank transfer *