Cheyene does diary duty with a very important announcement.
Hello, I’m Cheyene, I’m the latest addition to the Dawn and Dusk doggies. I have been speaking to Caroline Mill’s who has translated my message for me for you all to understand.

I’ve been here for nearly seven months now. I was living in the woods after my owner became ill, so I love all the comforts and regular meals I get now. They sometimes call me the Bossy Bitch, well, I wasn’t going to let Colin, Primus and Mitch boss me around was I, but I’m a sweet old lady really. You just have to let them know who is in charge, so I told Pompom that I was taking over his diary this month, because there’s an important message to deliver to you, our very kind supporters. I mean, you can’t leave that to a terrier, can you?

Very soon we are moving to spacious new premises, and you wouldn’t believe the costs involved. Just fencing us in for safety is costing five thousand euros. I’m allowing the three boys to share my barn. There’s a new floor going in, and the walls are being tiled so my housekeeping team will be able to clean it easily. There are so many things to be done, and the ladies who run Dawn and Dusk (Anke, Ali, Elsa, Gill, Lesley and Caroline) are very determined to do everything right first time so they work closely with an official animal protection inspector lady who tells them what has to be done. Of course all this costs a lot of money. Usually it costs about a thousand euros each month to keep all of us comfy, healthy and well fed, but this move is going to cost about 20,000€. So we are launching a Go Fund Me appeal to raise this money. I understand that not everyone can afford to make a big donation, but everything you can give will help us reach our target. Will you help us? Please click on the link and help us reach our target.
We have two fundraising channels Go Fund Me which accepts Bank card or PayPal and HelloAsso, our French platform which does not take any commission from you or us (it will ask you to donate a % but you do not have to) payment is via a bank account.
Should you wish to donate the old fashioned way we have other options. Please could you mention ‘ projet’ with your payment. Our Paypal account is (option friends & family, please) or Euro cheque payable to Asso Dawn & Dusk and send to Ali Stickler, La Singlarie, 12270, Najac or by Euro Bank transfer account details below.

Thank you so much.
Your very loving bossy bitch Cheyene