translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
So, you must all be wondering how my visit to the vet went? Well, actually, it was great fun!!
I got to ride in the car, with the Chief, which meant loads of cuddles. I love cuddles, they’re the best thing on earth, even better than food!

Then at the vet’s there was more attention and cuddles and the doctor was really kind and gave me treats. I felt really relaxed and apparently, my ticker isn’t much worse, just need a few more pills. I love pills when they come wrapped in some yummy meat.
One of the Mongrels also came, and she didn’t like it at all, poor thing! I tried to show her it really isn’t anything to worry about but it didn’t help.

Not sure what’s wrong with her, I’ve always said they’re a bit weird; the cross-eyed boy and the girl with her crazy, tilted head.
None of us mind, because we’re used to them. I like the Mongrels, and always have! Their bitchy mum, now that’s another story, but she’s on the far end, fortunately.
Anyway, it was a good day, though a bit tiring. Always so nice to come back home, where everything is so familiar now. Chief said it’s nearly a year since I arrived. No idea what a year is, I just know I love my home,..