Hello, my name is Belle.

I’m not a Dawn and Dusk dog but I’m living with one of the team, as a lifetime foster. I’m a 13 year-old puppy who likes to play with a ball and sleep a lot. I’m not really sure what my mum does for the dogs, but it seems to involve making a lot of cakes. Usually I’m not allowed to go to Dawn and Dusk because the dogs all say hello very loudly, and it gets very noisy. But recently I was allowed to go too. I thought I was going to meet Pompom and the others, but they weren’t there because we went to the new place.

I liked it a lot. There are lots of big fields for the dogs to explore, grass to roll on and lots of good sniffs, and big barns for them to live in. There’s lots of work to do; the barns have got to be made comfortable, with a clean floor and tiled walls, electric thingies for heating and lighting, and fences so nobody gets lost…we all know what Colin the Collie is like. Work has started which is just as well because the gang are moving at the end of March. Yesterday there was a man putting in fence posts which are very expensive or so I overheard. I listened to the ladies working out who will sleep where and which fields they will have.

They are thinking about how to raise extra money, and find people who might help, so expect to hear about some extra events and competitions, and even the opportunity to sponsor a length of fencing. When things are a bit more organised, there’s going to be a party so everyone can see where the dogs will be living, so make sure you come and see for yourself. I expect there will be cake.
Love from Belle.
(Thanks to Belle’s translator Caroline Mills)