Ladies Afternoon 11th September
Come and join us for an afternoon of you time.

Our ladies’ afternoon is for a small group of thirty ladies. It is an opportunity to connect with others, indulge in afternoon tea, participate in our wellness sessions, and experience a one-on-one therapy session.

In addition, we will have a raffle that will include prizes for a 1:1 session with Irena-Marie Makowski, an animal communication session with Colleen Kersey, Jo Malone’s room fragrance, a bottle of gin and all that is needed to drink it, and more.
Finally, we all have gifted items or items that we no longer need or use stored away in our cupboards, so we will have a (small) area for you to browse with an honesty box.
If you have any (good condition) clothes, accessories, jewellery, bags, or any items that would interest our female attendees, such as books or crafty bits, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. Please let us know if you would like to donate.
We hope you can attend. As this is a small event, places will be given on a first-come basis. Once we have your R.S.V.P. ( and payment to secure your place, we will send you an online form to fill in for the sessions. (Please note that we will try our best to allocate your first choice but ask for a second and third.)
Tickets are 28 €, payable via cash
Cheque, payable to Dawn & Dusk which should be sent to Ali Stickler, La Singlarie, 12270 Najac.
Paypal (friends & family option)
bank transfer please contact Ali Stickler for details.
We envisage it will be popular, so don’t sit on the fence if you wish to come. xxx