Pompom’s 5th Diary entry
Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
Hot, hot, hot!! What a week we’ve all had,… feels like the air is burning and even the ground is hot!
Inside, in front of the big blowing thing, it’s not too bad, but I also want to see what the Chief is doing and when she’s coming back, so have to stand guard in my own spot outside. It’s not in the sun, and there’s a nice cool mat and the Chief cools everything down sometimes, with water. I hate water, so I wait inside until she’s done, but I have to admit, it feels better afterwards! And a few days ago, we got these really cool jackets; wow, that feels so good!
This week, it was Tiny Babe that wasn’t well. They left with her and when they brought her back, she was in a right state,.smelling of blood and other stuff (reminded me of that place with the doctors!), a weird thing attached to her, and really, really sleepy! I left her alone because she didn’t seem to react to my attention and wanted to be left alone. She’s better now, happy to have my little roomie back!
The Mongrels and I have been sleeping outside on the terrace, which was really nice!! It’s so cool out there at night! We all sleep together on a huge bed, kind of nice,..and in the morning (don’t tell anyone) we play and run around the picnic table, though I will deny that if anybody asks! Can’t lose my Cool!!!
And… I got to meet Big Old Girl!! Finally!! Bit disappointing though, as she didn’t seem to be interested in me!! How can anyone NOT be interested in me? I’m soooo charming and gorgeous!! Oh well, you just wait, I haven’t given up yet, I’ll make her like me!
Haven’t seen the other big girl walk past today, and the Mongrels have been out for quite a while, wonder what’s happening? I think I can hear them, on the other side of the house, maybe they moved? Don’t really feel like sleeping on my own tonight, hope Tiny Babe will come and sleep on the terrace if the Mongrels don’t come back,..
(note; Dolly and the pups did indeed move, to their own private little area. And yes, Titi will be sleeping on the terrace with Pom, of course!)