Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not,.. Does she love me??
She’s stopped growling at me, that means she loves me, doesn’t it?! I’m sure it does!!
Big Old Girl with her long legs and gorgeous grey fur and me, we would make such a great pair!
Not giving up, though I do need a break every now and then, from following her around,. so glad she’s living with us now, because Tiny Babe and me, we don’t dislike each other, but it’s just not the same! Big Old Girl sleeps under our terrace now, she has three beds there (which she isn’t sharing with me *yet*!!). I keep telling her to come into the barn, but she insists on sleeping outside, I guess she’s just used to that life.

Haven’t seen much of the Mongrels this week, but in the evening, I can see them play with Big White Fluffy and his gang. Hmmm, not sure I agree with that and I do tell them that, but they don’t seem to listen!! What it is with all these dogs, I swear, everybody just seems to just do what they like and nobody listens to me??
Oh well, at least the people are good; everybody knows to scratch my belly when I roll over and they all know what my favourite tickle spots are. I trained them well!
All in all, a very good week, a bit less hot and my Personal Cuddlers have been coming over nearly every day.
Wonder what next week will bring? Life certainly never seems boring here! I’ll let you know,..
Love, Pom