Translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
The indignity…how dare they!!
It’s bad enough when the Chief puts me on a table and comes at me with the horror thing, that brush,.and whatever else she does to take away my scruffy-ness, but to let a total stranger touch me, look in my ears and stick me with a needle, honestly,.. I have no words for it,.
But, I endured this treatment like the big strong man I am and didn’t even flinch! I just pretended I didn’t care and ignored it all. How cool am I?!
I did get loads of treats and cuddles afterwards, so I guess it wasn’t that bad after all.

I saw them do the same thing to Tiny and the boys from the other side; that was actually kinda fun to watch!

Oh, and we have a new family member!! So exciting!! It’s a girl, or at least I think it is,. She big and bossy and so tough!!!

She’s living on the other side, but I wish she lived with me, I would make her fall in looooove with me,.. What do those boys on the other side know about girls, not nearly as much as me. I could teach them a thing or two about charming girls.
On the other hand, it would be a bit tiring too; might not have time for my naps if I had to impress a girl. Oh well, I get to sniff her across the fence, that’s nice too.
The wobbly babies are still here too, I can see them run and play in White Fluffy’s garden. Getting a bit full here! But I guess as long I have the whole barn to myself, with Tiny Babe, of course, I don’t mind.
There’s still the Big Change coming, but Chief says I can’t tell yet. Maybe next time?