Translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
Do you all still remember me?
Chief said you would, but I’m not sure,.. for all the new people; I’m Pom, short for Pompom (but nobody calls me that). I’m the very first Dawn & Dusk dog!!

I used to tell you about myself every few weeks or so, but ever since we moved, Chief said she has been very busy and hasn’t had time to write down my stories.
Personally, I think she just forgot.
But she told me it’s really important I let you all know how I’m doing, with Tiny Babe gone,..after all, we’ve been roommates for 2 1/12 years! We moved together from our barn to our room in Chief’s house and spent all our time together. My cuddlers always said we were like a grumpy old married couple; always bickering, but used to being together and keeping each other company nonetheless.
Well, let me reassure you; I’m ok! Us dogs, we experience death very differently than you humans. We don’t really think about it that much,. we can miss our buddies, if we’re really good friends, but we adapt quickly, especially if you humans make sure our routine isn’t changed that much. We do hate to see you sad though, and we can feel a bit unsafe and insecure and cuddle up with you a bit more. We need to know you still love us, even though you’re acting a bit strange!
I think Chief was sad about Tiny, and so was our favorite cuddler, the one that comes especially for us,.. but everybody is making sure I get plenty of attention, and walks and treats, so life as usual really! Chief says our cuddler will come for me only from now on, that makes me really happy! I didn’t really like sharing her attention, to be honest,.
Got to go back to sleep now, I’ve had a busy day and I’m no spring chicken, Chief says. I’ll get back to you another time, to tell you more about our new place. Bye for now!