Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
Oops, is it Friday already?? Oh well, one of the nice things about being a dog, is not having a calendar! Or a watch, for that matter. it’s great, never have to plan anything, never thinking ahead, just enjoying the moment!
But anyway, not much news this week, had a brush (Grrrrrrrr!!), but also lots of walks, cuddles, pigs ears and other goodies.
I thought I’d introduce you to the other guy that lives in the big field, the scaredy-cat,.. he’s afraid to talk to you directly, so I’ll ask the questions and let you know what he says;
P. Hey! You! Over there, come here for a minute (what’s that, a minute?) I have some stuff I wanna ask you!

M. Ok, ok, I’ll come over, give me some time, I need to check there are no humans there. ok, ok , I’m here, what do you want, little Curly-one?
P. What’s up with you? That’s what I want to know, why are you so scared of everything?
M. Well, actually, I’m really trying to forget all of that, my whole past and everything, but if you really want to know,.
P. I want to know!
M. Ok then, you see, I used to be a hunt dog and I had a shitty life. Always in a cold kennel, with many others, and we only got to leave our kennel to go hunting. We got stuffed in a small cage in a car, let out to run until we were exhausted and if we didn’t get hurt or killed, we were picked up and put back in that horrible kennel. And then there were these men, dressed in green and brown, that were rough and yelled and kicked us, and even worse; they had shotguns!
P. Man, that sounds rough,…
M. Yeah, so one day, I just decided not to go back! I managed to escape and just kept running!
P. Good on you, glad you got away!
M. But then, someone caught me, and put me in another kennel, better than where I was, but still a kennel! And I was there for ages, many days and nights and summers and winters,.. there were nice people there, I have to say, they really tried to make me trust them, but it was still a miserable life!
P. Jeeeeezz, tough luck mate!!!
M. But hang on, then it got better! A really sweet lady took me home and put me in a much, much nicer place, with a proper doghouse and a nice bed and an old girl to keep me company! And after a while, I started to feel she was ok, even let her touch me,. life was so much better!
P. Cool!! But then what happened, how did you get here?
M. I have no idea! I just got in a nice car (no cage!) and we drove for a long time, and ended up here. The lady was still with me for a while, but then she left,..that was so hard! I looked for her for ages, but couldn’t find her anywhere!!
P. But there’s another one here, though, she’s pretty ok too!?
M. Yeah, starting to believe that,. she seems safe and she’s around almost all the time. It’s reassuring, I have to say! Even though there are very often scary others around, I think she’s not gonna let anybody hurt me. I like having the Chubby Black-one here too.
P. No man, it’s cool, the Chief will make sure we’re all ok! But seriously, my friend, what a story! You’ve had loads of bad luck! You’re probably right, best to forget it all and move on. You’re safe here, and you’re a pretty cool neighbour.
M. It’s starting to rain again Curly, I’m going back inside,.Bye!!