Translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
Yippee Yayy!! It’s cold and frosty and dry outside!! It makes me want to run around and bounce up and down!! And bark at all the other dogs!!
I don’t like rain and mud, but this is so cool!! The lady who brought me here once, a long time ago, visited me and she was surprised to see me running around like that, at my age,.?! What age, what does she mean? I am a big strong dog, of course I can run around barking! It was nice having a cuddle with her though.
There was another lady too, Chief said she was there to take pictures of us*, to make us famous! I’m already famous, though, aren’t I? Many people know about me, Chief says! I’m really glad some people come to see me and walk me and cuddle me; they’re my favourite people really. But it’s nice that others know me too, I guess that’s why I tell you about my life, so you know I exist!

Meanwhile, all the others here are enjoying the cold weather too. We all get lots of extra food that smells fishy** and we’re nice and chubby, so we’re not cold! We all have our dens and our warm red lights and some of us get an extra coat. Not me, I don’t need one; I have my own lovely scruffy coat! Though not too long ago, I saw Chief looking at me with that look in her eyes, that look that says “Hmmm, you could do with a brush,..” I might just let her this time, I don’t mind so much anymore, as long as there’s someone that holds me. The attention is actually kind of nice. Don’t tell anybody I said that though; they might think they can all touch me with that horrible thing. Chief may do it, not because she’s the boss ( I am my own boss!!) but because I’m used to it now and I know it won’t hurt.
You might wonder why I call her Chief then, if she’s not the boss? Don’t know really, it seems right, as she brings me my food twice a day, she’s always around and keeps us all safe. She never tells us what to do, just looks after us, and that makes me want to call her that.
* Pom means Lynn Emery, a brilliant photographer who was kind enough to take pictures of all the D&D dogs! Soon, we will have a calendar available with all these amazing photos!!
** What Pom is smelling is the salmon oil we add to the dogs’ food for extra fat and taste