Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
I’m a bit worried,.. I worry that you don’t like me anymore, now that I have told you about my temper.
Really, I am a very Good Boy, I do love people and even the small ones and new people too! Everybody can stroke me and cuddle me and I don’t even mind sharing my sofa with you. I don’t say anything when I have a chew, even though I really don’t like it when someone tries to take it away from me.
The only thing I will never like is being brushed by anyone but the chief! But that’s ok, isn’t it?? It’s my body!
It is hard sometimes, being a dog. People expect so much of us; we have to control our natural instincts, like chasing and hunting (and killing, when you’re a terrier!), digging, rolling in the dirt and guarding our territory. We have to tolerate other dogs around us, lots of different people, walk on a lead, and being brushed,..
I guess we take it all because you take care of us; you feed us and keep us safe, but we do have our limits! I am a very straightforward and honest dog, I show clearly where my boundaries lie and I hope you’ll still love me,..
Enough with that now, though! Life is good, it’s cooler and it’s so nice to be outside on the terrace all the time!
Tiny is well, we have been getting along reasonably well this week! Everybody is helping us by giving us both enough attention and not triggering our Terrier-Tempers! Sometimes, we get a nice quiet moment in our Locked Beds, which I like, because I don’t have to sort Tiny out and can just enjoy my chews in peace!
The Big Dogs on the other side are doing well also, I think. Big Old Girl is happy, I can tell because she wags her tail a lot. I know now she is not mine, and never will be, so it’s good to see her happy with the other boys. (though I’m sure I would have made her even happier!!) Oh well, her loss!
The new boys seem nice enough, and respectful. They know I’m in charge and don’t challenge me, so they’re smart too! One is them is so happy, it’s almost annoying, he’s acting like a big smiley baby! The other one is still a bit nervous and runs around barking sometimes. But he’s learning too, that life is good here. I think he’s getting better already.
Big White Fluffy has been a bit noisy, on his side of the fence. I think it has something to do with the smell,.I can smell it too, it reminds me of something I used to get very excited about; the smell of a girl in season!! Can’t really be bothered about that now, or not as much, at least!
Said Hi to the Mongrels, through the fence. They are getting so big! Glad they’re not here with me anymore, though I liked their company, they were a bit tiring too.

So, all well here, hoping for another nice, quiet week!