News from ‘The Other Side’ written by Dolly’s ghostwriter.
Please don’t be alarmed. Pompom is still with us. I just thought it was high time you heard from ‘the other side’ of the Dawn&Dusk fields.

Let me introduce myself. I’m Dolly, the first ever Dawn&Dusk resident, the Original, No.1, Top Dog, currently residing in the shady glades. You may not have met me but have likely heard me barking at everyone as I’m trying to live the quiet life, relatively undisturbed in my purpose-built enclosure.
Like some of you, I’ve got a couple of teenagers, Timmy & Nellie, who just won’t leave. Thought I’d got rid of them once but they came back and now we share everything, en famille. Note, this does not include my bones.There’s a limit!

It’s pretty much been go,go,go since I got here; settling in after living ‘al fresco’ with my chums, having my 5 puppies, moving to this new enclosure, settling in again….it’s been busy.
Take yesterday for example, boy were we in demand. A new mini kennel suddenly arrived and needed checking out. Big Job. We were barely getting out heads round that when another visitor showed up and gave us loads of tasks to do. Turns out it was a ‘school day’ for Timmy & Nellie, lots of fun things to sniff, not to mention an endless supply of treats. I wasn’t about to be left out and don’t tell anyone but getting a treat was easy-peasy.
My pups did well, under my supervision and multi-tasking with a scrummy bone, I’ll be sure to keep an eye on the treat situation when they do their homework this coming week. If there is a test at the end though, they are on their own.
Then the week before last, we had a new escape route fitted into the enclosure fence, they called it a gate. So now, my pups and I can go for family outings into the big, big field. Whilst I can still show them a thing or two when it comes to running, my Timmy is getting quicker and sometimes I just have to pretend I’m investigating a very important smell I’ve suddenly discovered. Can’t let him beat me just yet.
I’m hearing ‘mental enrichment’, whatever the heck that is, and believe there are plans a foot to keep us busy during the day. Don’t they know I already have many responsibilities? But you know, on reflection, if it keeps those pups out of my fur and distracted, bring it on.
I know I have a bad rep, I’ve got ears. And yes, I did bite a lovely visitor once, well 3 times actually, but I was in a bad place emotionally at the time and she forgave me. I’m far more together now, living in the moment, practicing mindfulness whenever I get the chance, working on my people skills…

So whilst there’s lots of action on ‘the other side’, we have some curb appeal- have you seen the ears on my pups? I may not be small and cute like those pesky Terriers, nor am I a snuggle bunny like Primus, nor have I a heart-tugging back-story like Kim & Mitch, suppose I’m not always up for your company either and I’m not very approachable if I’m truthful BUT..I’m working on my ‘lovability’ as deep down, I am adorable and plan to big-up my profile with my new found access to social media. Who knows where this will lead but in the meantime, I’ll keep my focus firmly on all my responsibilities here on ‘the other side’ (did I mention those already?)