Translated by Anke Terbruggen for Pompom
4 1/2 months I’ve been here now, though us dogs don’t really think about time, as such, We live in the ‘now’ and adapt to how things are.
I think I’ve adapted very well to life here! I know who everybody is, I know who brings me my food, who cuddles me, who walks me. I know where everything is; my beds, my chews, my toys, my doggy friends (and enemies). And I know what happens every day, which is really nice.

In the morning, when the sun comes up, the Chief comes to see us. We wait for her outside, me and Tiny (the door is always open). I’m always happy to see her because she knows how I like to be greeted; with play and fun and back-scratches!! She then takes us inside and I run to my crate and jump in before Tiny gets to it! As soon as I’m in, I get a super yummies treat! Chief then prepares us breakfast, usually something soft and smelly, with meat and stuff! I know she hides pills in there too, but I don’t mind, they’re not too bad. I also get something to chew on, so I don’t get frustrated while having to wait for all the other dogs to eat. Tiny eats on the other side of the barn, so we don’t have to argue over whose food is tastier!
Chief then goes to the boys on the other side of the fence but comes back quickly to let me out of the crate. We run outside because we know what comes next; looking for hidden goodies!! They are everywhere, spread out over our field, in the little hut, between the toys, under the beds, under the straw, in the buckets with smelly stuff,..and it’s so much fun looking for them!
Chief is usually gone by the time we’ve found them all, but she’s right next door and we see and hear her all the time.
Then, often, one or more of my cuddlers arrive. I love them so much!! They sort out our beds, play with us, cuddle, of course, or even sometimes; take us for a walk! We get so excited when we get to go out!
In the afternoon, we often sleep,. we’re not young anymore, Tiny and me, so we sleep a lot. Often, we get a bone or something else to chew on. Then, when the sun starts going down, Chief brings us food again! So, the same routine; jump in my crate, eat, chew, run out and look for goodies again,. gosh, I love routines, so nice to know what’s coming!
When it gets dark, Chief comes and puts Tiny’s coat on and puts us both to bed; we jump onto our sofas, get a little blanket and a cuddle and she turns off the light. The door stays open because we sometimes have to pee at night.
Life is good,..