Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
Chief says I’m late again. Late, what’s late? You just do stuff when you feel like it, don’t you?
Anyway, I’ve been busy!! Had to make sure Tiny wasn’t getting all the attention,.. sure, she was ill, very ill. So I did give her some slack.
Chief put a nice cosy bed in front of Tiny’s den and thought she could sit there, Ha!! I was really quick and before she could get to it,I took possession! And possession is everything for us dogs; what’s mine is mine and isn’t yours! Also, I could keep an eye on Tiny this way, though we’re not best of friends, she’s still My Tiny Babe! Loved that bed, just annoying that Chief kept waking me up with all her visits during the night.

She better now, Tiny, have to admit I’m kinda glad,.. she’s even getting cheeky again, barking back when I tell her off. Oh well, at least everything is normal again.
It’s been a good week; nice and sunny, spent lots of time on our terrace. Many new chews also, chews make life sooo much fun.
And I’ve been seeing a lot of those huge baby dogs. I’m man enough to admit it; I really like baby dogs!! Love to see them run and play, wish I could join them!
Saw them play this morning, but weren’t there more before? Seems like it, but who knows, us dogs can’t count.
Have to go now, cuddler just arrived, carrying a box. Pretty sure there are chews in it, can’t fool me, there’s chews in it!! I want that box!!
Will she open it?*
Note; Thank you very much Lucy Ogden, for donating the box you won in the raffle, back to our dogs!! And yes, of course Pom got his chew,.