Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
The weirdest thing just happened; a very sudden wind gust just picked up our parasol and blew it into a very high tree!! Now we have no shade on our terrace! I’m sure it will be ok, though, the Chief and her friends will get a new one; they get us everything we need really.
So, another week has passed by and Oh My God (though us dogs don’t believe in that kind of thing) has it been hot!! None of us has felt much like doing anything during the day. I have this pretty cool spot in the shade, that I picked out and the Chief put down a nice, cool blue mat for me, so I’m pretty much ok.
Little Dude and Little Girl don’t seem to mind too much, they still play loads, probably their age, and besides, they’re a bit silly I think. I have taught them to behave of course and they’re cool now, beginning to like them even!
Tiny Babe, the new girl, is still a bit bitchy with them, but I make sure to stay on her good side, so we can hang out a bit. Big Old Girl, the one that doesn’t live with us, she’s doing so much better!! And I think she fancies me!! Just wait ’till she gets out, I’ll have all the ladies fighting over me, you’ll see!!
Been feeling a bit better, despite the heat, but still don’t feel like fighting Big White Fluffy anymore, don’t know why, just can’t be bothered really. Kind of nice, not having to get all worked up about that kind of thing.Probably better for the old ticker too.
But them, what happened to me two days ago,.. how embarrassing,.. The Chief picked me up (she did cuddle me) and put me on a table. Oh oh, nothing good ever happens on a table!! Then, before I could even protest; she put this thing around my mouth and, and, and,..started BRUSHING me! I HATE being brushed, told everybody over and over again, bugger off with that brush!! I tried to scare her by pretending to bite, but she wouldn’t stop and just told me she’ll be careful. and you know what, it wasn’t so bad really. After a while, I thought I might as well enjoy the attention and lie down for a belly scratch. She did another thing, with a noisy machine of some kind, and before I knew it, pieces of my fur were flying around (the ventilator was on). I didn’t hate that, made me feel a bit cooler actually! Shame she had to go and ruin it by picking up my feet and cutting my nails, how dare she!! Anway, she took the thing off my mouth and we had a cuddle, that was nice, cuddles are just the best,..Been feeling a bit lighter ever since and can feel the breeze on my skin.
All in all, not a bad week really. Hoping Big Old Girl will join us soon, will let you know how that goes!
Love, Pom