Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
It’s me again, Pom!
Another week passed by, and it’s getting a bit cooler! We all feel so much better.
There’s something I want to tell you, or explain to you, so you don’t misunderstand me (and Tiny).
You see, sometimes, when there’s something that is really important to me, like my cuddlers’ attention, or my chews, or my sofa, I really don’t want to share that with Tiny. It’s not that I don’t like her, I really do!! She’s good company when it’s just the two of us.
It’s just, I don’t know, I have this temper… I’d almost call it this rage, inside of me, and when something sets me off, I have a hard time controlling it It can be something small, like Tiny getting in between me and a cuddler, or bumping into me, which she does sometimes (can anyone actually SEE around here??)
I do try, really, I show her my teeth (and they’re Big believe me!!) and I growl, but she doesn’t seem to notice. And even then, I try not to fight, I just shout really, really loud at her! The problemI,… she shouts back! She seems to have the same temper!
So there we are, both of us, doing our thing, but then sometimes, a cuddler tries to stop us, or hold one of us back, and then I lose it, can’t control it anymore; I have to fight! And so does she! We don’t really hurt each other, because we are family after all and we have to live together, so we just get it out of our system and then go about our own business.
Please, don’t think I’m mean or a bad dog, I really can’t help it. I’ve had this temper ever since I can remember and I do try to keep it under control. I do love everyone, my cuddlers, the chief, Tiny,..just help me out a bit by not doing anything to set me off, please?
Note by the chief; Pommie is right of course; he can’t help it! Terriers have been created, by us, to fight and kill foxes, rats and other animals that fight back! The fiercest, most aggressive and best fighters were chosen to breed from, to create breeds that would not back down from a fight, with total disregard for their own safety. Though our terriers nowadays are a bit milder, they still have the genes that cause the ‘temper’ as Pom calls it and the more we try to stop them, the worse it gets. That is why we now have only one rule when Pom and Titi have a little ‘shouting contest’: Walk Away! They don’t want to hurt each other, they just have to get it out of their system. And of course; more important; help them by being aware of the triggers and avoiding them. Our volunteers all know about them by now 🙂