Translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
I’ve been told off,.. it’s been months they say, months, since I last let you all know how I’m doing!

Months. What does that mean? We don’t really understand time, us dogs,. but it must be long if people started worrying about me (sorry about that!)
I guess I’ve been a bit lazy, hanging out on the terrace and enjoying the coolness of our barn.
Let’s see, what’s new,..
Oh yes! I almost forgot, because it was ages ago; I went on a huge adventure,.

Chief took me with her in the car and we went to a place, so big, never seen anything so big! And people, people everywhere! Didn’t know so many people exist,.
It was a bit overwhelming, but then I recognised some of them, they were my cuddlers! That made me feel lots better, because cuddlers mean good things.
Chief was there all the time too, so I decided to just chill and trust that all was well.
Secretly, I was glad when we went back home though; I like to be in a familiar place, where I know all the smells and sounds and where my bed is and when the food comes and all of that. I was tired for about two days after that trip.
Back home, everything is the way it should be, nice and comfortable and safe. I get my food on time (when I’m hungry), I get walked and cuddled and have lots of nice places to have a nap. Oh, and the chews and bones, I love those! And all the games, looking for treats in bags and in the basket full of balls, after every meal! I eat in my crate and then when I’m let out, I run to the basket, find the treats, then move on to the others; in the corners of the sofa and on all the beds! So much fun! And always the same, so I know what’s coming,. When I was younger, it was ok if things changed a bit every now and then, but I don’t like that anymore now.
All the others seem to be well also; the boys next door are chilled, the bitchy one I can’t see, with the mongrels, she sounds ok. Big white Fluffy seems to have a new member in his pack. She was a bit noisy at first, but getting better.
My cuddlers have been great, coming almost every day and taking me for walks. We don’t walk far, but I get to sniff everywhere and decide where I want to go.
Oh, and Chief did it again,. with her noisy machine and scissors and nail clippers. I can’t even be bothered to protest anymore. Might as well let her, no use fighting. I do seem to feel a bit lighter afterwards, and I can see a bit better without the hair in front of my eyes.
All in all, can’t complain, things are good! I’ll try to be better, let you know how I am, but can’t make any promises, as it’s getting hotter again,.