Translated by Anke Terbruggen
Girls,.. can’t live with them, can live without them!!
They’re so hard to understand sometimes! And so bitchy,. why can’t they be like us boys? If we get into an argument, we just knock each other about for a bit, then makeup and just go ahead with our business, but not them, noooo, they just keep on nagging and plotting and scheming and never leave each alone!
So, Tiny Babe has decided that she doesn’t want Big Old Girl living with us (probably jealous, she wants me to herself, no doubt). She just suddenly turned on her and tried to fight with her! Fortunately, the Chief was there and caught her before she could touch her, but now we can’t go into Big Old Girl’s field anymore! Well, we get the field in the morning and evening, which is actually fine, because it’s too hot during the day anyway, I really love being in the barn when it’s hot, with the big wind-blower and my cool blue vest on. Fortunately, we all have our own space, and maybe after a while, Tiny Babe will make up with Old Girl (not holding my breath though). I wasn’t really getting anywhere with old Girl anyway, so I’m cool with it!
Cuddlers have been good this week, a new one came* (we like him!) and most of our regulars were there. One of them tried to brush me, made it very clear that is NOT OK! However, 2 days later, the Chief came and put me on a table (I don’t like that table!) and not only brushed me, but even cut my nails!! I considered telling her off, but then thought it might not be too bad, as I know her and I know she won’t hurt me. And she brings food, twice a day, and treats, so best to stay on her good side!
The old ticker has been playing up a bit, made me cough every now and then, and the heat isn’t helping. Love the evenings though, sleeping outside, on the terrace, on my big soft bed, under the moon,.. All in all, a pretty good week, lots of tasty treats and chews, plenty of cuddles, and I have to admit; I DO look even more handsome when I’ve had a brush,..
Wonder what next week will bring, I’ve heard rumours about others arriving. Gosh, I hope they’re girls! (Although,…)

* Welcome to Pom’s personal cuddlers team, Bob!