Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
Noooooooooooo,.. No! No! No! That wasn’t supposed to happen; I specifically said: GIRLS!!! I want GIRLS!
I take a little nap and what do I see when I wake up; a BOY! Right there, in the field next to us, some black skinny hunt dog type Boy, with MY Big Old Girl!
And to make things even worse, she likes him!!! Fancies him!! How could she fancy this bag of bones, and not ME, gorgeous, handsome, smart ME,..
I told him, through the fence, to bugger off, but he just stood there, wagging his skinny tail and being all “oh, but I’m so cute, I’m so sweet, please like me”,..
Ok, to be honest, he’s actually not totally horrible; he seems to be ok with me being the Boss. In fact, it was kind of hard to stay angry with him, so I decided I would let this one slip.
So I’m being good, right?! I don’t kill him, I don’t shout at him, I’m being totally cool, and what happens? What happens?! I’ll tell you what happens: they bring us ANOTHER ONE!!
At least, I think there’s another one, I can smell him! He’s far away, in Big Old Girl’s field, but I’m sure it’s a boy!
I give up, I’m getting too old for this stuff. They can do what they bloody well like, fill up the place with boys, what do I care? As long as they stay out of our barn, and my cuddlers and treats keep coming, and everybody realises who’s in charge, it’s ok, too hot to keep fighting anyway.
There’s a cuddler here right now, she’s really sweet, has a nice soft touch and gives Tiny Babe and me lots af attention and keeps us apart a bit (good thing, ’cause Tiny can be a bit jealous).
Oh well, it seems my life won’t change that much after all, so I’ll just chill and go with the flow,..
I DO hope this is the end of it though, no more boys please!!!