Translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
Yayyyyy!! It’s nice and chilly and wet outside!!
We can go outside and have a stroll and sniff and it won’t be hot and horrible!
For weeks, we have been hanging out in our barn, Tiny and me, with the big blowy thing to keep us cool. We’ve even had to wear those wet and cold things that are not very nice to put on, but wonderfully cool once you get used to it..
Still, we had lots of cuddlers around and we did go on short walks in the morning. The rest of the day we spent napping or chewing or looking for treats in bags filled with all kinds of stuff. The heat made us tired, we’re no spring chickens after all.
But today is a great day! I don’t mind the rain, I’m just glad to be outside again!
This is me with one of my best friends, who comes often to walk us and she also does lots of other things for us; like making us beds to sleep on.

Chief says she also makes sure we always have plenty of really yummie food, by getting people together to do fun things? Not sure how that works, but I think it was like when Chief and I went to the place with all the people.* How that gets me chews and bones and food, I have no idea, isn’t it always just there? In the large bin on the table, I think. Hmmm, don’t really get it.
Anyway, all good here, everybody survived the heat and we’re all very happy with the nice cool weather!
* Pom means our Quiz night, one of the amazing events that Gillian and the rest of our team organise as fundraisers.