Translated by Anke Terbruggen for Pompom (and Kim)
Pretty quiet week at our side of the fence; we’re ok, Tiny Babe and me!
So for once, just this once, I’ll let Big Old Girl tell you about her time here, though she is not a Girl of many words.

Hey,.. it’s me, Kim! Not sure why the Yappie one calls me Big Old Girl. Sure, I’m Big, but Old? Well, maybe in years, I’ve been around for a while.
I don’t say much, usually. And have been getting used to life here.
But here it is.
Not going to go into life Before, it was rough. And then everything changed, and it was even harder. It was almost too much, thought about just giving up. So tired.
But then I woke up, and I was here. Can’t even remember the first days, I was just trying to stay alive.
And then it got better, I felt stronger, there was food and there was a big soft bed that I slept on until I started to feel less tired.
I got up but didn’t know where to go, so I turned in circles until I started to get to know the place. Where the boundaries are, where the food is, who the people are. It seemed safe, so I could stop turning.
There is grass, it smells nice. There are other smells, that I had never smelt before; animals. It is quiet, nice.
The pain in my head subsided, and my eyes feel better, even though I still don’t see a lot.
There are people. But not as many as Before. I like that. There is one that is always here, that is good, I like it when things are always the same.
Life was getting better all the time, I got stronger, starting to like the space, the smells. I love the grass, I love rolling in it.
There are other dogs; noisy, yappy little things. Don’t care for them much.
But then two others came. I do like them. One seemed a bit weak like I was at first. But he is a pleasure to have around; he doesn’t bother me like the Yappy one. He’s sweet, kind, and happy. It’s nice, and makes me happy too. The other one isn’t happy yet. He is scared, and won’t settle down. He needs my help, so I let him come near me. He hides behind me sometimes. That is ok.

These two boys need me. I’ll take care of them.