Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
Tiny’s been bugging me; she wants to say something too! I think she’s just jealous because I let Big Old Girl talk! Girls,.. I’ve said it before; can’t live with them, can’t live without them. But hey, I’m cool, I know I’m number one around here, I know you all still love me; I’ve had so many cuddles this week, I feel totally reassured!
So Tiny, go for it, Babe!!
So,. Hi!!! I’m Titi!! I’ve been here for a while now, and I like this place! I can’t see very well, but I know where everything is and I always find a comfy bed somewhere.
The food is great, plenty of stuff to chew on too. And the people,.. wow, so many people!! I love people! They seem to come especially for us, me and Old Grumpy! There is one, in particular, I really like *, she treats me like I’m special and I love that! Where I came from, there were too many dogs, so I was never special,.
In here, it’s just Grumpy and me, and that’s ok. He is a moody old grouch, but I can handle him. I might be small and no spring chicken, but I can hold my ground if I have to! Outside, there are other dogs. There is one I really don’t like, a Big one,. I tried to take her out, but The One Who’s Always Here stopped me! Why did she stop me!?? I could have had her!! Oh well, at least she doesn’t come into our place, so I guess I can live with it.
Oh, and I have to tell you; there are tigers living here!! I can see them walk past sometimes and one of them even dared come into our barn!!! I didn’t waste a second, went in for the kill and had her for a moment, but she got away,.. Grrrrrrrr! If I were younger, she wouldn’t have stood a chance!
I like sniffing and digging and love it when we get the big field to ourselves. There are balls and bones everywhere, almost too many to choose from! It’s been very hot though, so we spent most of the day sleeping inside. All in all, I would say it’s a good life here!
* That’s you Linda
Going to bed now, it’s late and dark outside, which bed shall I sleep on tonight? Hmm, the sofa, I guess,.. Goodnight!!