Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen
Pompom has been kind enough to give me a few days extra to write up his diary! I think he felt a bit sorry for me, being up so many times at night for the puppies. such a gentleman, our Pommie. but tonight, he really wanted to let you all know how he’s doing! Xx Anke (aka the chief)

“Well. Not sure what is happening in that room next to our garden, but I’m hearing the strangest sounds! Little squeaky voices, it seems. I tried to get to them, through the window, but the Chief stopped me. But that’s OK, I will wait for my chance, she won’t always be paying attention, I’m sure!
For a while, the voices seemed to go a bit quiet, so I was worried. but now they sound strong again. Can’t wait to see who they are.
Meanwhile, we got a much bigger garden! All kinds of nice, new things to smell too. So exciting! New toys too, stuffed with all kinds of goodies, life just keeps getting better! Of course, Tiny tries to get to the toys before me, little bugger, +and once she has hold of them, she won’t let go, ever! I secretly admire her though, she’s bitchin’..!!

I’ve been feeling a lot better now that it’s not so hot anymore. At night, we sleep inside now, though we can still go out if we want to. Tiny has a thingy around her for the night when it’s cold, but I’m not cold at all, I love it!
The new boys next door are a bit noisy sometimes, I think they’re jealous when my cuddlers are here. Well, too bad for them, of course, they only come for me.
There was a new cuddler too this week, she took me for a nice walk. She acted as if she knew me, and said she was a Sponsor, What is a Sponsor?? Anyway, really liked her, she treated me like I was special. I am too, of course!
Off to bed now, I think I’ll pick the sofa, or maybe my crate, or maybe a basket, or a cushion? Hmmm,..”