Translated for Pompom by Anke Terbruggen

I know, I’m late,.I’m sure you were waiting for me to tell you about my week, but we’ve had visitors and have been busy keeping them occupied!
The visitors were small people and they were here all week! Every day they came to cuddle me and give me treats, it was great! I love small people, I can jump up and lick their faces and play with them! Tiny Babe and Big Old Girl were really happy to see them too, but of course, they liked me best!!
It was a nice distraction also because I’ve decided to play it cool with Big old Girl and stop charming her,. she’s just not paying attention to me, I really don’t get it!?
Maybe she doesn’t see me or hear me, that must be it! If she saw me, she’ll love me, like everybody else! But I can wait,. she’ll come around, she won’t be able to resist me.
Had a chat with the Mongrels through the fence; they are fine, they said. They really like hanging out with Fluffy’s crew. Strange thing, for a moment I think I saw 3 of them?? Must be seeing triple,.*
We had an intruder a few days ago,. a cat! I HATE cats!! But before I could even get to it, Tiny Babe attacked and fought the enemy! And won too!! Though I’m a bit gutted that it wasn’t me, I’m proud of my little roomie! The cat ran off, doubt she’ll ever try that again!
Let’s see, what else happened?
The heat, not even going to mention that,.. (but sooo glad we have a fan and cooling vests!)
Chicken Nuggets,.. LOVE them!
Cuddlers,.. they’re just the best.
Life is good!!
* Pom wasn’t wrong; Tim & Nellie’s sister Peggoty was here all week, with the small people and their mum!