Translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
Hello, does ANYBODY listen to me? Certainly not Chief or any of the other bipeds,.
First of all, remember I said NO brushing??? Well, of course, she went ahead and did it anyway, grrrrr
I looked like a bloody fluffy teddy bear afterwards, utterly ridiculous,.
Fortunately, it didn’t last long and I look like a real dog again; messy!! I like messy, I want messy, I do not want fluffy!
But then something happened that was even worse; we had an Intruder! a boy, a boy Intruder!! *

I barked and barked at him to let everybody know and to chase him off. I even asked Big White Fluffy on the other side to help me, but he just wagged his fluffy tail and tried to make friends with the Intruder,. useless!
For days and days I tried to warn everybody, but did they listen?? Noooooooo,…
Not only is the Intruder a Boy, but he also has his bits!! At least Scaredy Cat and the Chubby Black one don’t have those; they don’t even smell like boys anymore.
At first the Intruder didn’t move around much, and seemed really weak, skin and bones he was. But he’s just about doubled in size now and getting cheeky!
He does seem to understand that my side of the fence is my property though, and apparently, he’s not going anywhere any time soon, so I’m giving up; I’ve done my job, I’ve let everybody know and if nobody does anything about it, then it’s out of my paws.
I’m getting too old for this.
And anyway, it doesn’t really interfere with my nice, quiet life here. I have my bed, my garden, my chews, my cuddlers, my walks, and the sun is out again, so I can lounge on the terrace.
All in all, life is good,..
*Note Colin the Colin arrived after what seems a period of roaming. it is thought his previous owner passed away and Colin (not his original name) was either forgotten or dumped. He originally came from Gaillac, whether he travelled on his own this 40km journey or was dumped nearer we do not know. |We do know he had spent time with a lady but the relationship didn’t work out, he would often run off, come back, run off. He hung around and was fed at a farm on the outskirts of Varen but this was not a solution for him to live by. Anke collected him from the farm to come into emergency foster care at Dawn & Dusk.
Until his health is assessed (he was very underweight, which is now resolved and had an infection) he will stay. His off to the V E T ‘ S on Thursday for that little S N I P and a control technique. I’m sure Pom will report the findings in his next diary entry.
All in all, life is good,..