Written and translated for Pom by Anke Terbruggen
Ok,.. so Chief and my cuddlers are not the only ones who care for me? I have friends that are not here but want to know how I’m doing?
That is so hard to understand. Where are you then? Can’t see you, can’t hear you, can’t smell you, so you must be very far away.
I’ll look out for you on my next walk, maybe we’ll meet then?
Anyway, I’m well!! I like the weather, I can be outside as much as I like, though I also really need my sleep time.
It’s been a little bit quiet on the cuddle front, Chief told me some of my cuddlers are away because they want to be with their family. I can understand that; we dogs also live in a family and we like to be together (though I only want girls in my family, and friendlier ones than Tiny please,.)
All the others are well too; the noisy black one, scaredy cat, Big White Fluffy’s crew on the other side, Oh, and you know who I’ve been seeing again? The Mongrels!
They are on the other side sometimes, and play in the big field with the boys! Well, the boys aren’t playing really, they are mainly being bullied by those two cheeky devils,. I like them though, they are spunky pups! Tiny hates them, I think, she keeps trying to fight with them through the fence.
Food’s been top-notch lately, I even ate something that smelled like the inside of dead prey*, made me feel like I had been out hunting or something! Lots of chews too, and real bones and lots of smelly treats. The best moment of the day is feeding time and then looking for treats all over the field. Chief hides stuff, but we know all her secret stashes and always find the treats.
The only thing that worries me is that Chief is talking about me being scruffy and dirty and that she wants to give me a brush! No, no, no, I don’t agree!! I like being scruffy, I have always been scruffy and I want to stay scruffy. She’s not touching me with that brush, I won’t have it! I love Chief, but I swear, I’ll show her all my teeth if she comes anywhere near me with that thing. Maybe my friends can help? Look at me, do you think I’m too scruffy, do I really need to be brushed??

Well, that’s it for now, I think I’ll go back to my cosy den and have a little nap. So nice and warm in there,..
Hope Chief will come over for a cuddle before night-time**
* Thank you Ali for cutting up liver and tripe, not the nicest job 🙂
**She will, of course