Translated by Anke Terbruggen
This past week has been pretty good, we are all picking up our normal lives, after losing our Big Old Girl. Since I don’t really have any news to share, I thought I’d let one of the boys on the other side of the fence have a chat with you. It’s the one that arrived first, the skinny black one that is definitely not skinny anymore,..Hope I won’t regret it, as he’s quite chatty!
Don’t worry, I’ll be back next week! Go ahead neighbour,…
Ohhhh, really really, really???? can I say something, can I say something??? I wanna say something!! Can I say something?? I’m so excited!!
Ok, alright, I’ll take a breath first,.. Wow!! I have so much to say, been waiting for an opportunity to tell you all; thank you so much for the FOOOOD!!
Before I came here, I was hungry all the time, and I felt really weak and old, but the first thing I discovered when I arrived, was that there is such a thing as sausage!! And meat, and fish, and pasta, and cream and soooo many other tasty things!! There was food many times a day and it felt so good to have a full tummy all the time!
And there were cuddles, and attention and people around me, and nice beds to sleep on, and bones to chew on. Ohh, I love it here, I just love it here!!!
And there was this really old, but still, super-cool old lady that showed me and the other guy the ropes, she was amaaaaazing! We were both so impressed by her and showed her a lot of respect! The other guy is pretty much ok too, a bit of a whiner, scared of his own shadow when he just arrived, but I let him follow me around and sit next to me and that seems to help. The only thing I won’t let him do is touch my food or my bones as they are (all) mine, mine, mine!!!
The old lady is gone now, saw her body so we know she’s really gone. The other guy is getting a bit more cheeky now and I think I should take charge, after all, I was here first! I’m getting really strong too now, and have even be called ‘chubby’ (chubby, what do they mean CHUBBY?? I’m just making sure I have some reserves, in case I ever get hungry again!) And anyway, who cares about being chubby, I just looooove my food and will keep eating as much as I like!! So there!!
What else, what else, let me see, what else? Oh yeah, I’ve been on walks, ‘sniffari’s’ they call ’em nowadays, but I think it’s just a really nice walk, with lots of stuff to smell! There’s also plenty of smells in our field, all kinds of smelly food and plants and donkey poo and bits of wood and lots of other things! After meal time, the food provider that lives here too hides little bits of really yummy things everywhere, so we have to look for it, I loooooove that! I’m really good at it too, I find most of the treats before the other guy does!

Oh, hang on, I think Pom wants to say something,.. I guess it’s his diary, so I’ll try to stop now (but did I mention I just love it here?? And how much I love the food?)
Hey, Pom here, thought I’ld better shut him up, because let me tell you; once this guy starts talking, he never stops,..