Pompoms Diary – 19th December 2022 back from a break!
Writen by Anke Terbruggen
After realising how many people read Pompom’s diary and really miss hearing about his life, I (Anke) decided to have a chat with him.
I hope that knowing he has so many friends, will make him come out of his winter-writers-block!

Me: Hi Pom, my little man, can we have a chat?
P: Why are you calling me little man, I’m big!!
M: I know sweetie, I’m sorry.
M: I just wanted you to know that people are missing your diary; they want to read about your life and know how you’re doing.
P: Really?? Who??
M: Well, there’s Oma, for starters, remember Oma?
P: Oma,.. that reminds me of cuddles, and sitting on somebody’s lap, is that who you mean?
M: Yes, that’s her! But she’s not the only one, there are many people that think you’re special and important! I know you’ve spent many years living outside on a chain, and you were probably ignored by everyone, but that’s over now. There are people all over the world that think about you. There is even a terrier like you, that is also called Pompom and lives on the other side of the world, who hears stories about your life!
P: What is the World?
M: Ohh, gosh, that’s hard to explain,.. it’s the Great Outside and it’s really, really big!!
P: Bigger than all the way down the driveway?
M: Yes, Pommie, much bigger!
P: and people want to know about me? What do they want to know?
M: Well, I guess they want to know if you’re happy.
P: What does that mean; happy?
M: That is a very good question,.. let’s see; are you hungry, or cold, or in pain, or lonely?
P: No! I’m warm and I have a comfy bed, and I love my yummy food and cuddles from all my people friends.
M: Do you have fun, can you be a real dog, be outside when you want to, play and get dirty, dig, roll, sniff, chew and bark?
P: Yes, I can do all of that!
M: Then I think that might mean you’re happy! And besides, I can tell you are, when you greet me in the morning, with your grin, jumping up at me and play-biting my hands and giving me doggy kisses! Makes me happy too.
P: Ok, so I think I’m happy then. Do they need to know more?
M: I think they’d like to, but we’ll get back to that soon. Let’s go out now and enjoy the sun and have a cuddle, ok?
P: Ok! And Chief?
M: Yes, Pommie?
P: You can call me Little Man,..
M. I know Pom, I love you too.baby.